The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife

The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife, Installation View, 2024

The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife, Installation View, 2024

The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife, Installation View, 2024

The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife, Installation View, 2024

The Cabbage Screams Under the Gardeners Knife, Installation View, 2024

Known to be False but Felt to be True, 2023

Sensitivity Reader, 2022

The Wrong Side of Luck, 2022

Haunted Haus, 2022-23

Lazy Ideology, 2022

Imi Knoebel Appreciation Painting (Two), 2022

Men of Violence, 2023

The Even Distribution of Risk, 2022

Petty Tyranny, 2023

Rain More Blows, 2023

Cannibal Quiche, 2022

The Future of an Illusion, 2022

Evil Painting (Two), 2023